Colourful London No. 1
16mm film Colour Sound 1943 17:10

Summary: An amateur film of 'colourful' London.
Title number: 4133
LSA ID: LSA/5431
Description: London's colourful side is presented through visits to a number of its green spaces. First off is Kew Gardens, filmed in springtime with the years first flowers coming in to bloom. There are bluebells in the woodland areas, while the edges of greenways are erupting with blooms of azalea, camellia, magnolia and rhododendron. In the formal beds wallflowers contrast with tulips and primroses. Next up are the more informal surrounds of Broomfield Park in Palmers Green where the floral beds are side by side with more active areas, a model boating lake, a children's playground, a bowling green and the garden of remembrance. A mother duck leads her ducklings across a pond. The wildlife is more exotic in the film's next stop, Golders Hill Park. A peacock wanders freely, while fences keep in a wallaby, some deer, and a group of rabbits. The film ends with more horticultural displays, this time in the front gardens of North London's Edwardian suburbs (apparently the Highgate and Hampstead areas) with a final shot of the roundabout of Muswell Hill Broadway.
Credits: Producer: Cliff Saunders; editor: Cliff Saunders
Further information: The films opening title states 'Dedicated to Londoners/to prove London has/colour and beauty in spite/of traffic, noise and smoke'.
Keywords: Parks; Flowers
In galleries: Green Spaces
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Richmond upon Thames; Kew Gardens; Enfield; Barnet; Golders Green; Haringey