The First Stage: Hounslow - A New Borough
16mm film Colour Sound c.1965 17:27

Summary: Informational broadcast highlighting the work of Hounslow's Council
Title number: 408
Description: The film begins with a “stage coach shaking over rutted tracks”, as an introduction to how methods of transport have evolved over the past 200 years for Hounslow. A view of traffic moving along the motorway represents the transition to modern times. The Narrator is Colin Moffat (A member of the council), who informs us of these changes and the emergence of Hounslow Borough in April 1965.
We are told that the Borough comprises of Brentford and Chiswick, Heston and Isleworth and the ‘urban’ district of Feltham. He makes clear the purpose of the film by mentioning the scope of the service Hounslow council provides, starting firstly with Rubbish collection as an example. Road and street maintenance follows and further informs us on the important role of the Borough engineers. Hounslow’s Educational system is mentioned, highlighting the 84 schools it offers and shortly following this, we are introduced to the pre-erected modern housing and flats. These provide outstanding accommodation for over 40,000 residents. The borough’s work is then outlined in more detail and uses Spring Grove Primary School as an initial example, providing the public with “good facilities and amenities”. In the Feltham area, Colin mentions the use of the new local baths where swimming clubs and competitions take place. Hounslow’s hydrotherapy pool is cited to introduce their attention to disability care. The Martindale special school for handicapped children draws attention to the treatment and tuition carried out for an improved standard of living.
Next we are told about the youth schemes organised, which enable healthy and stimulating activities to take place for the younger generation, from Soccer to Symphony concerts. A scene of toddlers and young mothers brings the viewer to the next scene, outlining maternal care addressed by the council. Hounslow’s council for the Arts is proudly announced as a primary indication of how proactive Hounslow is with the arts division, catering “for all tastes”. Opportunities to enrol on a variety of the adult education courses are clearly outlined, highlighting road safety awareness training to dealing with antiques. Preparing for the 1980’s is then mentioned as a top priority, as Colin explains how the council is working on improving its current services. The re-development of Brentford’s riverside is made as a case in point. The preservation of Hounslow’s heritage moves us on to the smaller areas and local parks, such as Strand on the green, Gunnersbury Park and Houses and Church St at Chiswick, as areas of natural beauty untouched by modern development. Last mentioned on the agenda is Hounslow’s care for the elderly. From providing a regular home luncheon service for the frail to a care home alternative in Lancing, Colin cites this as a highly accommodating facility for the infirm.
Further information: Prints LSA/0532 and LSA/0560 in Hounslow Local Studies and Archives were both digitised, although the same title. The DVD of LSA/0532 was deposited in the London Screen Study Collection, Birkbeck College, and the DVD of LSA/0560 was given to Hounslow Local Studies.
Keywords: Informational; Council
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hounslow
April 2021