Sainsbury Archive Digibeta No. 3: Quick Change; Sainsbury Centenary Film; Plan for Tomorrow
Digital Betacam video cassette (DigiBeta) Colour;Black & White Sound 1969-1971 28:00

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Summary: Compilation of three digitised films.
Title number: 4075
LSA ID: LSA/5317
Description: (1) A film made to help explain decimal currency and to illustrate how it is used in a retail setting. Most of the film takes place in the J. Sainsbury's store at 9/11 London Road in Croydon, which became a 'decimal shop' a year ahead of decimalisation and was used for training purposes. The presenter Zena Skinner looks at how decimal prices are displayed, how items are re-priced in the new coinage, and how the use of decimal currency is effected at the till. She also interviews store chairman John Sainsbury, who reassures her and Sainsbury customers that re-pricing into decimal will not be used as a way of hiding price rises, and Lord Fiske (Chairman of the Decimal Currency Board) who talks about the government's media campaign to help explain decimal currency. The film does not highlight the fact that J. Sainsbury's is its sponsor, although it appeals directly to the store's customers' fears about hidden price inflation and the potential difficulty of shopping using the new money. Zena Skinner buys her shopping using a mixture of old and new money, demonstrating how the staff can de depended on to assist. The film captures a late 1960s supermarket's interior appearance and the packaging of own brand and other items. (2) A compilation of short advertising sequences for the Sainsbury's supermarket chain based around the theme of the store's 100th anniversary. Newsreader Kenneth Kendall stops people inside a Sainsbury's shop, and on the street outside to ask them questions in imitation of television news vox pops, or 'man in the street' interviews. Those interviewed include a middle-aged couple, some mothers with children, a rich woman, some young women and an Italian born woman. The questions asked relate to what customers think of Sainsbury's, whether they know that it s a hundred years old, their views on store design and packaging, prices and staff demeanour. The sequences are bookended with shots of a birthday cake with candles marked '100 Good Food Years'.
Credits: Director: Ronald Dunkley; Producer: Jim Roomes; Photography: Alan Hewison; Editor: E. Powell; Presenter: Zena Skinner; Sponsor: J. Sainsbury Ltd;
Cast: Presenter: Kenneth Kendall