Sainsbury Archive Digibeta No. 1: Staff Outing to Margate; Biscuit Packing
Digital Betacam video cassette (DigiBeta) Colour;Black & White Sound; Silent 1947-1960s 36:00

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Summary: Compilation of two digitised films.
Title number: 4073
LSA ID: LSA/5315
Description: (1) Sainsbury's staff enjoy a jaunt to the seaside. 1,200 members of Sainsbury's supermarket staff and their families go on a staff day trip to Margate on a paddle steamboat from London, accompanied by 'Mr John' (John Benjamin Sainsbury, Chairman of the supermarket and eldest son of its founders). The film begins with staff boarding the steamer, the PS Royal Eagle, at Tower Pier, with Tower Bridge and the Tower of London in the background. The boat travels under the open bridge of Tower, and down the River Thames past the ferry at Woolwich and the docks. The passengers fill the deck of the boat, sitting and standing watching the riverside views and traffic. In the boat's kitchens cooks work away producing meals. An onboard competition for dress making, sees several women being adorned with garments fashioned from newspaper. Inside the boat, the passengers sit at tables to take tea and for lunch served by waiting staff in the saloon. A swing band plays, with many women singing along. Bingo cards are handed out to some people (including Mr John) for a game of 'housey-housey' while others are satisfied to simply sit out in deck chairs on what appears to be a sunny, if windy day. The boat arrives at Margate, mooring at the pier. Some passengers enjoy a promenade along Margate sea front, while others flock to the crowded beach and the 'Dreamland' amusement park. Before too long they are back on the boat, waving goodbye to Margate and heading home. Some ominous rainclouds herald worse weather ahead. Many people seek sanctuary inside, take afternoon tea and enjoy another sing-song with the band. As the day progresses, some people decide to dance, whilst other enjoy the simple pleasure of a cocktail from the boat's well stocked bar.
Credits: Sponsor: Sainsbury Staff Association
Keywords: Paddle steamers; Staff outings; Supermarkets
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Thames (river); Kent; Isle of Thanet; Margate