16mm film Colour Sound c.1975 4:23

Summary: A film introducing dentistry to school children.
Title number: 407
Description: The film follows a young boy on a visit to the dentists for a check up and to receive a filling in a tooth. It shows the dentist's room and the equipment she uses from the patient's chair, dental mirror and pick to an x-ray camera, a syringe for anaesthetics and her dental drill. The boy is relaxed throughout, helping the film communicate the message that a trip to the dentists need not cause distress.
Credits: Director: Mike Ward; Producer: Mike Ward; Producer: Brian Walker; Introduced by: Lesley Judd; Photography: Brian Walker; Sound: David Hewitt; Music editor: Neil Sadwick; Technical adviser: Gina Yates; Executive producer: Donald Norman
Keywords: Dentists
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hounslow