Hounslow Town Centre - The Way Ahead
16mm film Colour Sound c.1968 4:36

Summary: A local government film seeking public comment of redevelopment plans for Hounslow.
Title number: 406
Description: The film introduced Hounslow Council's 20 year plan for the re-development of Hounslow town centre, including plans for the pedestrianisation of Hounslow High Street, a new shopping centre with a department store, new service roads and car parks. The film seeks the public's views on proposed alternative routes for the traffic diverted by the pedestrianisation. It introduces plans for road widening on the Hanworth Road, a new link road between Hanworth Road, Whitton Road and Staines Road and a one-way system round the co-op store and an alternative scheme featuring a widened Grove Road necessitating the demolition of The Bell public house. The council also asks for the public's support in trying to get a preservation order lifted from the old Town Hall on Treaty Road so that a department store might be built on the site between Treaty Road and Douglas Road. The film features Guy Barnett, the Undersecretary of State for the Environment in the government stating his support for Hounslow's planning approach and the importance of the public expressing their views.
Keywords: Urban planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hounslow