The Hendon Show (1954)
35mm film Black & White Sound 1954 7:19

Summary: A film from the 1954 Hendon Show.
Title number: 4
Description: The film begins outside Hendon's Gaumont Cinema, on the corner of Watford Way and Queens Road, where the cinema manager escorts the show's Floral Queen, Miss June Bridgman to her parade float. Views of the exterior of the cinema include posters for the films 'Crossed Swords' and 'The Lone Gun'. At Hendon Park, the fifth annual Hendon Show is in full swing. At the showground, floral bouquets are presented to some of the guests of honour before Charles Latham, Lord Latham of Hendon the Lord Lieutenant of Middlesex proclaims the show officially open. Celebrity guest, the film star Terrence Morgan, greets the Floral Queen and her Maids of Honour and performs the crowning ceremony. On the showground, the entertainments include the 'Young Vikings', a group of young Swedish gymnasts, and Dutch aerial acrobatic act the Three Torinis performing on a tall pole. Terrence Morgan signs autographs for film fans outside the Odeon and Gaumont marquee. There are more shots of the Grand Floral Parade including decorated floats for the Co-operative Stores, Gordon Cars, Car Mart, Taylor & Walker Beers, Home County Dairies and the coastal resorts of Herne Bay and Ramsgate. The film concludes with Councillor SE Sharpe, the Mayor of Hendon awarding prizes.
Further information: This film was presented to His Worship the Mayor, Councillor S.E. Sharpe, by the Odeon and Gaumont Theatres.
Keywords: Shows
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Barnet; Hendon