Members of Ariana (Refuge Group from Afghanistan)
MiniDV video cassette unknown Unknown 11.2005-01.2006 0:00

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Summary: Members of Ariana (Refuge group from Afghanistan) discuss and evaluate the project, expressing what they had expected and what they did, at an evaluation session at Redbridge Museum in November 2005. Gerard Greene, Redbridge Museum manager, and Sadaf Habibi of Ariana lead the discussion. Recorded for Redbridge Museum's 2006 exhibition, Ariana.
Title number: 3978
LSA ID: LSA/5195
Description: Members of Ariana (Refuge group from Afghanistan) discuss and evaluate the project, expressing what they had expected and what they did, at an evaluation session at Redbridge Museum in November 2005. Gerard Greene, Redbridge Museum manager, and Sadaf Habibi of Ariana lead the discussion. Recorded for Redbridge Museum's 2006 exhibition, Ariana.