Compilation: HAC 450th Anniversary Parade, March through City and Reception at Guildhall (with HM The Queen), 1987
VHS Colour Sound 1987 39:09

Summary: A film covering the 450th Anniversary Parade of The Honorable Artillery Company(HAC) in 1987. Featuring the parade of the Company through the City of London, and presentation of the Company to her Majesty the Queen, who is the titular head of the HAC known as the Captain-General.
Title number: 3844
LSA ID: LSA/4978
Description: Opening Title: H A C 450th Anniversary Parade
Opening shot, Honourable Artillery Company crest of arms featuring a Pikeman and a Musketeer with the Motto 'Arma pacis fulcra' 450th Anniversary 1537-1987.
A flag pole at the top of Armoury House in the City of London on a beautiful sunny day. Two flags, the union Jack and H A C flapp in the breeze.
In the courtyard we see a group of scenes featuring soldiers practicing marching, and Pikemen and Musketeers in full uniform getting ready for the march and parade. The Colonel Commandant and his adjutant discuss the days events.
An overview of the route is provided. The parade will proceed from Armoury House through the Artillery Gardens, City Road and Moorgate, passing the Bank of England, Mansion House,Poultry,King Street and arriving at the Guildhall.
An ariel view of the commencement of the parade featuring ranks of soldiers and Grenadier Guards marching around the impressive square which is boarded by cannons and the initials H A C on the East side.
Intertitle: Form Up and Inspection Route
Over 900 people impressivley form up in the square. This includes different bodies of men, Squadrons, Veterans, the Home Service Force and The Light Calvary. Ariel views provide a great view of this spectacle.
The colours are marched onto the parade from the front of Armoury House, followed by the Regimental Colonel and his party on Horseback. The Commanding Officer Malcolm Ring standing to attention invites the Colonel to inspect the parade, the Colonel and his party are on Horseback and inspect the ranks on the field. A Genadier Guardsband plays as the inspection takes place.
The company prepares to march out of the gate,impressively precise and with great precision the vast company of men prepare to leave at 17.32. There appears great calm as the Pikemen stand ready, a row of army Jeeps with officers standing to attention await the call from the Company commander.
The march out proceeds as the Colonel and his party leads the procession followed by a range of vehicles, the Company Commander leads the main body of the regiment.The drum Major Shaun Mackus leads the guards as the procession works through the surrounding street. Spectators are behind barriers enthralled by the spectacle.
At the city limits on Ropemaker Street,the City Marshall Colonel John Howard sits on horseback and waits to challenge the procession, at a set of traffic lights, and with the authority of the Lord Mayor he leads the company through the City. The Company Commander acknowledges the City Marshall by ceremonially raising and lowering his sword in response.
As the sun sets the parade marches through shadow filled city streets. Various companies and guards are seen including the third Squadron of Guards,Second Company HFF, and the Core of Drums.
The old Comrades march past, smartly dressed in suits and some with medals. The crowd is packed along this part of the route by the lights and the City dragon statute can be seen in the middle of the road, perhaps seemingly saluting the old soldiers as they pass by. The HAC Special constables march by,followed by the Pikemen and Musketeers and finally the light Calvary.
The head of the procession has now reached the Bank of England, and we see the gantry which has been erected at the front of the Mansion House. Dignitaries await the arrival of the company. Her Majesty the Queen who is the Captain-General of the HAC enters the gantry box.
The procession approaches down from Threadneedle Street and salutes Her Majesty. The large crowd is packed around bank station,as they appreciatively watch the parade on a beautiful evening. As the light Calvary file past, Her Majesty turns away and Prince Philip salutes the procession.
The company of Pikemen and Muskeeters now take up a position before Mansion House to receive their new standard. Led by the sword and mace Her Majesty and the Lord Mayor descend down the stairs from the gantry at the Mansion House. The company prepares to charge it's pikes in salute, they dramatically charge their pikes, creating a vivid scene in their Venetian red costumes, white collars and silver helmets.
A party of three, including the ensign approach from the main company to receive their new standard. The ensign advances and kneels on a cushion, as Her Majesty the Queen presents the standard assisted by the Quartermaster. With the standard now safely in place, the ensign steps back, as the company prepares to charge it's pikes to the new standard.
The quartermaster ceremonially removes his hat and bows as the pikes are charged to the new standard. The gentlemen of the company preform a drill and adopt a relaxed position at the end. The Captain of the Company Paul Rhodes than approaches Her Majesty who is standing on a saluting base to request permission to march off. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh then meet former civil chiefs of the HAC and their wives. As the Pikemen march off we see her Majesty escorted to the Royal Coach, where the party is escorted to the Guildhall by the company of Pikemen, cheered on by the large appreciative crowd.
The City Marshall is at the Guildhall watching the main procession arrive and then leaves to meet the Queen at the Mansion House. The entrance to the Guildhall is bedecked with the Union Jack and St George's flags. A City Policemen stands by as the Guards march pass.
The Home Service are seen returning to Armoury House through the City streets.
The main procession proceeds up Poultry, two outriders from the Royal Mews, follow behind the City Marshall as the Royal Carriage proceeds, flanked by Pikemen either side. Her Majesty and His Royal Highness wave to the appreciative crowd. The Royal Cars bring up the rear, and we can see traffic held as the procession nears the Guildhall. In the evening sunset we catch a glimpse of the Royal Party as they proceed along King Street.
The Royal Carriage arrive at the Guildhall and the Pikemen company come to a halt in the main square. The Royal Standard flies from the flag pole of the Guildhall, to indicate that Her Majesty has arrived.
In the Guildhall, guests stand to attention as 'God Saves the Queen' is played to greet the Queen.
HAC members then proceed to give The Captain General a salute known as ‘Regimental Fire’. This takes the form of a dramatic ninefold shout of the word ‘zay’ accompanied by sideways movements of the right hand culminating in an upward movement on the last and loudest shout!
The Regimental Colonel supports her Majesty as she talks to guests and various members of the company.
The Lord Mayor of London than presents a framed illuminated address to General Sir Richard Chant, in a formal ceremony on the stage at the Guildhall. Sir Richard than thanks the Lord Mayor and Alderman on behalf of the HAC for the honour bestowed upon them.
End Titles
Graphic Artist Trevor Gould HAC
Cameramen Col Guy Hatch CBE, Stuart Morrison,Capt John Stacey HAC, Nigel Stacey HAC
Editors Stuart Morrison, David Kemper
Produced and Directed by Captain William Hunt HAC
(e) Honourable Artillery Company 1987
Compilation: HAC 450th Anniversary Parade, March through City and Reception at Guildhall (with HM The Queen), 1987
Further information: Full information on the HAC
Keywords: Armed Forces; Ceremonies; Parades; Cultural Events
Locations: United Kingdom;England;London;City of London