Romford Carnival 23rd June 1952
16mm film Black & White Sound 23.06.1952 2:13

Summary: A newsreel film of the 1952 Romford Carnival showing the Carnival Queen and floats.
Title number: 370
Description: This film of the carnival was presented to the Borough of Romford by the Odeon Cinema on 11 July 1952.
Opening Title: Romford Carnival Gaumont British News
A carnival queen(Miss June Werth(?)) walks down a hospital ward, she is carrying a bouquet of flowers and her cape is carried by two women formally dressed also carrying small bouquets. The carnival queen stops to speak to an elderly woman in bed,(who is her mother) she bends down and kisses her mother, who smiles admiringly at her daughter. The carnival Queen walks back up the ward smiling and waving at the patients. The carnival queen walks outside the hospital accompanied by nursing staff, they are laughing and talking to each other. The carnival queen shakes the hand of the matron and is helped getting into a black limousine by a chauffeur and the two women help with her train.
We see a close up of the carnival queen and her assistants, they are smiling at the camera.
A carnival float with a hula hula girl dancing surrounded by other hula hula girls and boys the float appears to be a mock film set and a cameraman is seen on the side of the float, and a small number of spectators enjoy the scene.
A formally dressed man in a suit approaches a formally dressed woman in a stylish 1950s coat, she is wearing a hat and gloves, a ceremony appears to be taking place, the man shakes the woman's hand and she hands him an envelope, he appears to thank the woman and talk to people out of view. The ceremony takes place in a park, possibly Raphael Park where the carnival ends.
A man dressed as a caveman approaches spectators on the carnival route with collection tins, he is shaking them enthusiastically at the crowd, we then see a man dressed as Florence Nightingale approaching spectators with a collection tin.
A steam engine-the kursal flyer comes into view-some small children dressed as cowboys sit on the side of the engine-smiling and waving to the crowd-spectators are at the side of the carnival route watching the parade-two school girls are holding a banner Odeon and Gaumont cinema club they are leading a procession of children on bicycles-we see a group of men in tramp style top hat and tails playing a array of house hold objects as musical instruments.
A lorry float appears with a board advertising 'Down among the sweltering palms at the Gaumont Romford next week' the sign shows a hula hula girl the float is the one we saw earlier and the hula hula girls and boys are dancing and playfully acting up for the crowd.
A float of children all in fancy dress-we see a red indian warrior, a highwayman, and a girl dressed as Heidi among the children.
Keywords: Carnival; Carnival Queen; floats
Locations: United Kingdom;England;London;Romford;Spring Gardens, United Kingdom;England;London;Romford; London Road, United Kingdom;England;London;Romford;Raphael Park.