Disbandment of Fighter Command, 25 April 1968
Super 8mm film Colour Sound 25.04.1968 7:18

Summary: A film showing the closing ceremony of the disbandment of fighter command at Bentley Priory.
Title number: 354
Description: Opening Title: 'The Harrow Local Archives Committee presents a film by R.W. Raby'.
The Harrow(?) Coat of Arms are shown in close up followed by a sign that states 'Headquarters Fighter Command Royal Air Force'. The RAF flag is flying from a flag pole on a grey windy day, in the back ground is Bentley Priory situated in impressive country grounds, the camera pans to two WWII fighter planes, close ups of the planes can be seen, with views of the priory in the background.
A white notice states 'Ceremonial parade and fly past on the occasion of the disbandment of fighter command Bentley Priory 25th April 1968'. We then see a plan of the ceremony, showing details of squadron standards and spectators. A view of the green field at Bentley in preparation for the show, with a white marque in a prominent position. Views of a number of RAF personnel arriving at the event, and we see a brass band taking their instruments form a coach. We see the men entering an area and preparing for the event. A large number of RAF soldiers are rehearsing for the event, we see marching and drills being performed. Three men with cameras walk across the grounds.
A helicopter comes into view and lands behind some trees. We see the parade ground which are now filling up with spectators and guests,they are watching the marching bands and ranks of soldiers on parade. On a small ceremonial stage a number of dignitaries are watching an impressive flypast with modern jets at the front of the formation and some older planes at the rear.
Spectators watch a ceremony where two commanding officers appear to inspect and salute the squadrons, the heavily decorated officers walk across the ground with the marching band in the background, The spectators watch intently and are wearing colorful coats and hats.
Two WWII planes (Spitfire/Hurrricane ?) fly over, while a flag is lowered as part of the ceremony, as the planes fly into the distant clear blue sky.
The ceremony appears complete as the RAF officials leave the ceremonial flag pole and march away, a number of camera men accompany them. The flag bearers of each squadron march away to the right, to the accompaniment of the band, and the various squadrons march away in formation. People can be seen leaving the marquees and VIP areas, and walk around the grounds,the views are from an aerial shot.
The guests are seen admiring and looking at the two WWII planes we saw at the start of the film. The camera zooms out and we see Bentley Priory in the background.
End Title: The End.
Credits: filmmaker: R.W. Raby
Further information: R.W. Raby was the Public Relations Officer in Town Clerk's Department, Harrow.
Further information on Bentley Priory
Keywords: RAF; Planes, military.
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Stanmore, Bentley Priory