Dulverton Bygone Times
VHS Colour;Black & White Sound 1935-1971 67:51

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Summary: A video compilation of amateur film of the village of Dulverton, including a pageant attended by children evacuated from Barking during WWII.
Title number: 3400
LSA ID: LSA/4456
Description: The compilation includes several films shot by amateur cinematographer Joyce Abbott, the President of the Dulverton Camera Club, between 1935 and 1952, recording events in and around the village of Dulverton, as well as a film produced by Dulverton Camera Club in 1971 showing life in the town. An explanatory soundtrack was added for the video compilation. The compilation begins with film of Whit Sunday in 1936, with Dulverton Friendly Society's annual club walk showing a procession through the village by society members lead by a flag bearer and brass band. They pass a branch of the National Provincial Bank. The second film from May 12th 1937 records a parade through Dulverton to All Saint's Church for a service celebrating the coronation of King George VI. Afterwards villagers gather in Bank Square for the Coronation celebrations. The streets are adorned with flags and bunting, and a procession marches through. A children's carnival takes place in a field, while adults enjoy a meal sat at trestle tables in Bank Square. The third film from February 1940 records snow and ice on Exmoor, and ice walking at Weir Head. Ice damage to the Tarr Steps is also filmed. The fourth film records a pageant organised by Dulverton village for 'War Weapons Week' on the week of 8th to 14th May in 1941. War Weapons Week raised funds for the war effort. Several adults and children wear costumes and participate in a carnival featuring decorated floats and horses. The winning float comes from the Home Guard, and there are also appearances by Air Raids precaution men, the Old Dulverton fire engine and its modern equivalent. Some of the children in the carnival are evacuees from Barking. The film ends at a meeting outside the Town Hall with Colonel Wickham MP giving a speech to the crowd assembled, before women of the village dance. The fifth film records more wintry scenes in Somerset, with snow settled on the fields and tree branches. The sixth film shows victory celebrations in May 1945 as the village holds a victory parade for the end of the war in Europe. The parade consists of members of scouting organisations, firemen, the ARP, the Land Army, Home Guard, Observer Corps and Red Cross and is filmed marching over Dulverton Bridge and past The Lamb public house, on to All Saint's Church for a service of thanksgiving. The participants are filmed again after the service in more informal poses. The seventh film is shot at the Tarr Steps in the September of 1949 showing the flood damage of previous years and temporary repairs. The misplaced stones of the steps have been marked by the army prior to restoration by men of the Royal Engineers. Their actions with chain and crane demonstrate the weight of the stones. A BBC radio reporter interviews locals about the steps. The eighth item is a video piece about the flood disaster that hit the village on the night of August 15th 1952 incorporating film shot of the aftermath and a new interview with local Gerald Burnett during which he shows some of the photographs he took of flood damage on the morning of the 16th. Local residents Mary Kennedy, and John Thomas also speak about their family's experiences of the flood in new video interviews. The ninth item is 'Our Dulverton' from 1971 produced and directed by Ken Tucker with Sound by Ray Rendell, a script by T Troake and M Rawle, narrated by Tessa Miles with camera by R Rendell, K Brumage, T Troake, F Newton, I Kemp, R Rawle, J Bodger and K Tucker (who also edited). The film gives a travelogue style portrait of Dulverton village recording a post man's round, Kemps Newsagents, the local bakery, the butchers, International Stores, Bridge Inn, Crispins Antiques, a shoemakers, a saddle makers, local hotels, the district nurse, the Dulverton Laundry, Exmoor House, the village cricket team, local football, Somerset Fire Brigade, All Saint's Church, Dulverton Secondary Modern school, an horticultural show, and the glorious surrounding landscape.
Credits: Director: Joyce Abbott; Director Ken Tucker; Producer: Ken Tucker; Sound: Ray Rendell; Script: T Troake; Script: M Rawle; Narrator: Tessa Miles; Narrator: Peter Main; Camera: Ray Rendell; Camera: K Brumage; Camera: Tom Troake; Camera: F Newton; Camera: I Kemp; Camera: R Rawle; Camera: Jim Bodger; Camera: K Tucker; Film Editor: K Tucker; Cine Transfers & Post Production: Barle Films
Keywords: Coronation of George VI (1937); Parades; Second World War (1939-1945); WWII
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Somerset; Dulverton