London: Access to the Capital
VHS Colour Sound 2002 19:00

Summary: 2002 informational film produced by the Royal National Institute for Deaf People about the accessibility services available to deaf and hard of hearing people in London. The film is in British Sign Language and English.
Title number: 3356
LSA ID: LSA/4404
Description: The film starts with a montage of footage of London. Two presenters introduce the video and what it will cover.
(1:35) Interview with London Mayor Ken Livingstone who speaks about his hope and expectation that London will become vastly more accessible by the end of the decade.
The woman presenter explains the structure of the Greater London Assembly (GLA).
(2:50) Interview with Lee Jasper, GLA Policy Director for Equalities and Policing.
(4:23) The man presenter explains structure and purpose of the London Development Agency (LDA) as well as what the LDA are doing to prevent discrimination against deaf and hard of hearing Londoners and promote their access to employment.
(5:14) Interview with Luna Frank-Riley, Director of Diversity, Equality and Minority Business Development, LDA.
(6:45) Interview with Andrew Revell, a deaf freelance animator about his experience of work.
(6:50) The woman presenter explains the aims of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) of making the London police more accountable.
(7:25) Interview with Lord Harris, Chair of the MPA. The woman presenter then explains what services are in place to help deaf and hard of hearing people raise concerns about policing.
(8:18) Interview with Sgt. Mark Cranwell of the Metropolitan Police, who explains that he was born to deaf parents. After joining the police, he became a police interpreter.
(9:10) Lord Harris talks about how there are not enough BSL interpreters and the police have a long way to go in terms of accessibility.
(9:55) The man presenter explains how deaf and hard of hearing people can access the London Fire Brigade.
(10:28) Interview with Ian Hughes, Brigade Officer for the Community Fire Safety Department, who speaks about disability and fire safety.
(12:40) Woman presenter introduces Transport for London and the services they have to improve the lives of the deaf and hard of hearing.
(14:20) Interview with Andrew Braddock, former head of Access and Mobility, TFL about what needs to change to increase accessibility, combined with an interview with deaf public transport user about his negative experiences
(16:30) Both presenters speak about how the collaboration between Royal National Institute for Deaf People with the GLA and its aims to make London more accessible to deaf and hard of hearing people and how those concerned can get involved.
Film ends by listing contact details for different services mentioned in the film.
Cast: Ahmed Mudawi, Rebecca Tadman, Ken Livingstone, Lee Jasper, Luna Frank-Riley, Andrew Revell, Lord Harris, Sgt. Mark Cranwell, Ian Hughes, Andrew Braddock.
Keywords: Social Services; Deaf/hard of hearing