Peckham (Newsroom South East)
VHS Colour Sound 1999 26:12

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Summary: BBC South East regional news programme featuring item on Peckham 'stereotypes'.
Title number: 3352
LSA ID: LSA/4400
Description: BBC regional news magazine programme. Main stories: Liberal Democrats leadership election and South East 'Stereotypes' series featuring Peckham. Also includes short news items on Soho Pub Bombings, Wandsworth schools' selection process and Metropolitan Police arguing for DNA samples from all offenders. Plus sport and weather.
(00:00-00:31) Headlines.
(00:31-06:25) Item about Lib Dem MP for Southwark and Bermondsey Simon Hughes narrowly losing the party leadership contest. Includes a tribute to Hughes from the winning candidate, MP Charles Kennedy; various interviews with Lib Dem MPs about changes within the party, particularly their growing relevance in urban areas; and archive footage from Hughes's Bermondsey bi-election campaign in 1983.
(6:25-6:44) Brief item on the nail bomb attack at the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho.
(6:47-7:00) Teasing Peckham 'Stereotypes' item still to come later in the programme.
(07:02-08:56) Item on Wandsworth schools' selection process.
(08:56-10:32) Metropolitan Police arguing for DNA samples from all offenders.
(10:32-11:49) Run through of stories to come and weather segment.
(11:49-15:58) Sport section, including reporting on violence between Millwall and Cardiff supporters that appears to have been stoked up via the internet.
(15:58-23:49) Segment on Peckham 'stereotypes' and the area's reputation. The segment begins by talking about the influence of Only Fools and Horses in defining Peckham's reputation as 'dodgy'. We hear a number of local people interviewed about the area's connection with the famous TV show, including a member of the Only Fools and Horses Fan Club who has a replica of the show's famous yellow car. The segment then shifts to discussing how densely populated Peckham is. We see footage of concrete social housing. The news reporter states that Peckham is 'the most densely populated area in Europe', and discusses the 'social cost' of this density in terms of crime and overcrowding. (18:29) There is then an interview with a woman who lived on Peckham housing estates for most of her life, who speaks about how the arrangement of the estates (e.g. dark passage ways) leads to crime. (18:58) The item then speaks about the 'regeneration' of housing in Peckham, showing footage of new housing developments. There is then an interview with Heather David from the Housing Association Partnership who talks optimistically about new homes being built in the area. (19:39) The item then discusses and shows new community buildings, including Peckham Pulse. We see inside the fitness centre and hear from one of its representatives, who speaks on her pride that Peckham Pulse serves different segments of the local community including Black and Minority Ethnic people. We then see and hear about the newly built and 'futuristic' Peckham library. There is an interview with the library's architect Andy McFee who talks about his team's aim to create a building that is 'an icon for the regeneration of Peckham'. (21:02) Interview with Bill Neilly, a Film Liaison Officer (who organises film crews shooting on location in Peckham). Neilly talks about how none of Only Fools and Horses was actually shot in Peckham and the pros and cons of Peckham's reputation in terms of both encouraging crews to film there and aiding its 'regeneration'. Neilly and the news reporter then visit Choumet Square which is presented as a contrast to Peckham's association with poverty and poor quality housing.
(23:49-25:34) Short item on the last ale house in London.
Keywords: Peckham; Housing; Community