Into the 20th Century: Developments in Childcare
VHS Colour Sound 1984 21:00

Summary: A film about the care of children before and after the Children Act of 1908, and the emergence of the work of the charity, Barnado's.
Title number: 3343
LSA ID: LSA/4385
Description: 00:00 – stills of children and working class families with narration that introduces organisations like NSPCC, National Children’s Home, Dr. Barnados and Salvation Army who brought attention to plight of neglected children.
00:53 – ext presenter by Houses of Parliament speaks about the 1906 Education Act which provided free school meals and the 1908 Children Act that separated out juvenile court from adult court and legislated to protect children, moving away from punishment towards treatment.
01:33 – Still Hackney Infirmary. Decrease in children in workhouses but increase in Children in care. 1909 Royal commission on Poor Law condemned practice of keeping children in workhouses (v/o actress as member of commission talking about attitude of manageress in workhouse).
Stills of children in workhouse.
02:44 – presenter talks about different types of schools for children including their emigration and punishment.
Talks about the work of Arthur Norries. WWI increase in children born illegitimate, Spanish flu and decrease in birth rate led to increase in adoption.
1926 Adoption of Children Act – children to be adopted through legitimate societies.
05:42 - Presenter talks about people who have advocated for children including Eleanor Rathbone and Jewish Free School. Large numbers of children still emigrating to NZ, Australia and Canada but evidence is that some are still being neglected.
08:03 – Presenter 1933 Children and Young Persons Act included welfare rights for children and childrens’ homes would be inspected. However, the larger the institute the more difficult to institute recreation and individuality.
09:38 – music (unknown)
1930s emphasis on removing children from poor families who are seen as feckless.
Children in homes are treated poorly. Still of children in dormitories.
10:57 – presenter inside former home talks about how children were deprived of basic needs.
Still of children praying and in bath.
12:02 – v/o Dr Barnadoes annual report stated home life better than an institution for child.
Archive footage of health visitor checking children at private foster homes. Talks about how the practice of boarding out a child operated. Train arrives at train station, child comes off and joins family on platform.
14:18 – ext. presenter explains that there was little evidence of close attachments to matrons in children’s homes or any relationships with them. There was then a recognition that staff should be properly trained.
National Children’s Home set up 1st childcare training home in 1933 and Barnadoes following with a training school in 1941.
15:38 – WWII separated children from their home to the country, sometimes staying in trench cellars. It was found that children who stayed with their families suffered less emotional damage.
17:07 – newspaper article – “Boy, 13, Died on Farm”. Presenter talksa bout Denis O’Neill who died in a foster home. He was removed from the family home as authorities felt he was neglected but then beaten to death in foster home farm.
18:11 – c/u presenter – Atlee government set up Committee of enquiry under Miss Myra Curtis. In 1946 found that children still being kept in poor conditions similar to workhouses and sometimes in buildings previously used as such and cared for by unqualified, unsuitable staff. Basica needs not met. The Curtis Report received a lot of published and its findings led to the Children Act 1948 calling for unified system of child care.
19:37 – end credit music (unknown)
19:57 – End credits.
Further information: We Acknowledge the following:
BBC Hulton Picture Library
British Council
Greater London Council
Hackney Archives Department
Institute of Education
Miss Glynn Jones
National Children’s Home
National Film Archive
National Union of Teachers
Salford City Libraries
The Boys’ Brigade
The Post Office
Thorn E.M.I. Ltd
Our Gratitude is due to Kenneth Brill O.B.E., LL.B., for researching the written material upon which this film is based.
Keywords: Children; Poor Law; Workhouse; Social care
Locations: Southwark