The Elephant Never Forgets
VHS Colour;Black & White Sound 2006 21:50

Summary: Video of reminiscences of Elephant & Castle and visions for the future as it undergoes regeneration.
Title number: 3339
LSA ID: LSA/4380
Description: A group of elderly people reminisce about the Elephant and Castle and recount their experiences of key points in its history. They all remember the Elephant – with its trams and shops - as being at the heart of everything. Two women remember the General Strike in 1926 when buses were overturned. A man recalls the ubiquity of the horse and cart and a woman tells of washing the ribbons of Lord Vestey’s horses. Betting wasn’t licensed then and bookmakers would take bets round the corner. One woman remembers helping her father by keeping the bets in alphabetical order and burning the slips after three days. Two women describe their house that had no kitchen or bathroom, just an outside toilet. During the Second World War they had an Anderson Shelter in the garden but they were eventually evacuated. Another woman remembers a shop called Colliers during the war that used to sell stockings, until it ran out and then they painted their legs brown. The Elephant and Castle was devastated by the war, but as one woman recalls it was the incendiary devices not the bombs that caused the most damage. A man who came from Malaysia in 1949 remembers huge bomb craters, but that the concert halls were full of entertainment. The Trocadero in the Elephant and Castel was a cinema and a theatre too and a huge organ used to come up through the floor. A woman remembers entering a beauty contest there in the 50s. One man says there were gangs but there was an unwritten rule that they would only go after their own kind. A woman agrees, saying they were Robin Hood types, taking from the rich to give to the poor. Some interviewees state that the Elephant has lost its character and has become a junction. The Project Director for the Elephant and Castle Regeneration Programme agrees, saying that the spirit of the times was economic growth and prosperity was demonstrated by an increasing use of the car that created the inhuman landscape. The interviewees muse on the plans for the regeneration and the film ends with one woman saying that she would like the Elephant come back the way they knew it.
Credits: director: Ilaria Mare; producer: Ilaria Mare; funded by: Elephant Links - Elephant & Castle Regeneration Partnership; Community TV Trust (Chris Haydon); Ilaria Mare (Editor); Debora Inguglia (Editor); Ilaria Mare (Producer); Ilaria Mare (Director)
Keywords: regeneration; Elephant and Castle; Renovation