Unhappy Families
VHS Colour Sound 19.12.1991 12:02

Summary: An episode of the community access television programme 'Free for All'. The topic of racist violence in Tower Hamlets is covered in this consideration of the dangerous situation on the run down Teviot Estate in Poplar. There are interviews with Bengali families about the racist attacks they or their relatives have suffered. The filmmakers travel to a meeting of the Tower Hamlets Racist Incident Panel held on the 28th November 1991. At the meeting Mr Peter Griffiths, the Head of Housing for the Poplar neighbourhood objects to being filmed and threatens to leave unless the cameras are removed. Makbool Jamad, the Principal Legal Officer for the Commission for Racial Equality is interviewed regarding the council's duties and responsibilities in situations of racist violence on their estates. The episode ends with a summary of the Bengali family's demands to the council, that the perpetrators of the racist violence be identified and dealt with and that families subject to attacks be rehoused off the estate on request.
Title number: 3309
LSA ID: LSA/4348
Description: An episode of the community access television programme 'Free for All'. The topic of racist violence in Tower Hamlets is covered in this consideration of the dangerous situation on the run down Teviot Estate in Poplar. There are interviews with Bengali families about the racist attacks they or their relatives have suffered. The filmmakers travel to a meeting of the Tower Hamlets Racist Incident Panel held on the 28th November 1991. At the meeting Mr Peter Griffiths, the Head of Housing for the Poplar neighbourhood objects to being filmed and threatens to leave unless the cameras are removed. Makbool Jamad, the Principal Legal Officer for the Commission for Racial Equality is interviewed regarding the council's duties and responsibilities in situations of racist violence on their estates. The episode ends with a summary of the Bengali family's demands to the council, that the perpetrators of the racist violence be identified and dealt with and that families subject to attacks be rehoused off the estate on request.
Credits: Director: Afia Khatun; Director: Tony Lam
Keywords: Racially motivated crime; Ethnic conflicts
Locations: Tower Hamlets, Poplar