Bite Back: No Jobs, Bad Housing, Poor Social Services: Tower Hamlets People Fight Back
VHS Colour Sound 1985 22:53

Summary: A video voicing resistance to the Conservative government from the borough of Tower Hamlets.
Title number: 3308
LSA ID: LSA/4347
Description: This activist video describes the poor conditions faced by many residents of Tower Hamlets. It considers inner city decay and looks in particular at the Teviot Estate. Teviot Estate is compared with the new developments on the Isle of Dogs, where big business and central government are seen to be acting undemocratically to build homes for the rich. Terry Sullivan of the Trades Union Council singles out Gun Wharf as an example of how local jobs have been lost in order to afford opportunities for the big developers. Sullivan also discusses the deleterious monopoly influence of Polly Peck over the local clothing and garment industry. Oona Hickson of the Empty Properties Group discusses the scandal of the vacant council properties and how they could be used to address the borough's housing problems. The new homes being built in London Yard are shown to cost more than most local residents could afford. Kathy Miller of the Childminders Association speaks about local childcare provision and how many women are discriminated against by a lack of facilities. Syed Ashraful of the Islam Bangladesh Youth League discusses his plan for 'Asian Aquaculture' a project to cultivate Indian Carp in London in order to supply the local Asian population with a food currently imported thousands of miles. Edward Thomas a computer trainee discusses the need for reskilling of workers to meet new job opportunities now old professions are no longer seen as necessary. Roseni Dearden, an electronics instructor introduces the Tower Hamlets Advanced Technology Training set up by the trade unions to effect that reskilling. The commentator pulls all the elements show together in order to propose a local employment strategy from a trade union perspective, a plan to get people back to work in socially useful and unexploitative employment.
Credits: Producer: Jonathan Barker; Producer: Toby Buxton; Commentator: Kate Rowe; Music: Tom Barnard; Sponsor: GLC
Keywords: Housing; Unemployment; Urban planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Poplar