Despite TV 13
VHS Colour Sound 1988 31:00

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Summary: Issue of the Video magazine with items from the borough of Tower Hamlets.
Title number: 3307
LSA ID: LSA/4346
Description: The thirteenth edition of the community Video Magazine from Tower Hamlets, includes a range of items. In 'Brighton Belles' the Brighton Belles cabaret duo performs their act 'Having a Boyfriend' at the 1988 East End Festival at Dame Colet House. In 'The Price of Eggs' a montage of film and television about practices in the poultry industry is used to demonstrate that the food industry lobby has sacrificed Edwina Curry in order to cover up their dirty practices. In 'Soweto Day 1988' a speech about why people need to get involved in political campaigning precedes Cindy performing a live rap, 'It's Best To Be A Girl'. In 'Degrading Treatment' Tower Hamlets nurses are filmed protesting outside London Hospital. Helen Rogers (student nurse & NUPE steward), Dave Ingledew (student nurse & NUPE steward), Lindsay Roth (midwife), Kristin Muldal (NUPE steward, nurses' section) speak about the Nurses Strike, the unfairness of government decisions on NHS pay and grading, and he diminution of goodwill amongst the staff. In 'Big Muck' a McDonalds Big Mac and fries is examined and dissected to the musical accompaniment of
Credits: Funded by: GLC; Funded by: LBTH; Funded by: GLAA; Funded by: Tower Hamlets Institute of Adult Education
Further information: Founded by Mark Saunders in 1982, Despite TV operated out of the Tower Hamlets Arts Project on Whitechapel Road, London. Despite TV produced video magazines about local issues.
Keywords: Housing
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Stepney