Commercials and Fashion Features
VHS Colour Sound Unknown 15:00

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Summary: In store television items from the Meadowhall shopping mall.
Title number: 3302
LSA ID: LSA/4304
Description: Broadcast television style fashion items on ladies wear from the Essential store, and menswear from Next and Austin Reed. All the material is filmed inside the Meadowhall shopping centre. The fashion items are interleaved with advertisements for companies either within the shopping mall itself or in the nearby retail park. The companies advertised are car part suppliers Unipart, the Sainsbury "Hypermarket" Savacentre, The Choux Shop (a creperie, patisserie and coffee shop), the Texas DIY store, and The Chocolate Factory (a cafe specialising in chocolate products).
Credits: Presenter: Beverley Ashworth; Presenter: Jane Beckwith
Keywords: Fashion; Retail
Locations: United Kingdom; England; South Yorkshire; Sheffield