Slovenia is Close
VHS Colour Sound 1992 27:55

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Summary: Public relations video for the country of Slovenia.
Title number: 3288
LSA ID: LSA/4280
Description: A video aimed at Western businesses and tourists. Following the independence of Slovenia, this video presents the new nation to Europe and the USA. It provides information on the Slovenian character, landscape, history and culture. The video stresses the nation's democratic nature, love of freedom and independence. It considers both traditional crafts and modern industries.
Credits: Director: Joco Žnidaršič; Photography: Joco Žnidaršič; Executive producer: Mjusa Sever; Text writer: Franci Pavser; Text writer: Rajka Pregl; Text writer: Nina Persen; Text writer: Vlado Senica; Text writer: Mjusa Sever; Text writer: Meta Vajgl; Associate editor: Brooke McDonald; Associate editor: Jonathan Landay; Introduction narrated by: Boris Cavazza; Text read by: Donna De Luigi Osterc; Music composed by: Gal Hartman; Edited by: Jernej Satler
Keywords: Public relations; Tourism
Locations: Slovenia