Slovenia is...
VHS Colour Sound 1993 25:19

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Summary: A video encouraging tourism to Slovenia.
Title number: 3287
LSA ID: LSA/4279
Description: A promotional video for the country of Slovenia which stresses four characteristics of the nation, that it is: a part of European history; in the heart of the 'New Europe'; a land of geographical diversity; and that it is full of fun and action. The video has new commentary, and uses sweeping shots of the Slovenian landscape accompanied by classical music (Benjamin Ipavec's 'Serenade for string orchestra', Matilja Tomc's 'Capriccio for viola and piano' and Marjan Kozina's 'Tildica' and 'Franja').
Credits: Director: Vojko Boatjan; Executive Producer: Jernej Kos; Script: Janja Kova; Associate Editor: Janja Kova; Editing: Rudi Krizani
; Sound: Franci Suhadolnik; Graphics: Marija Delevic; Graphics: Helena Dolinar; Graphics: Marjan Vrebec; Script Girl: Alenka Dolenc; Music editor: Blaz Sivic
Further information: The item is repeated on the cassette, the second time with German on screen text.
Keywords: Public relations; Tourism
Locations: Slovenia