Jaeger: Presenting the Collection Autumn/Winter 1992
VHS Colour Sound c.1992 55:00

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Summary: A staff reference video presenting
Jaeger's Autumn/Winter 1992 ladies wear collection.
Title number: 3142
LSA ID: LSA/4118
Description: A staff reference video presenting Jaeger's Autumn/Winter 1992 collection. The video is in three parts, a "teach-in" video for sales staff, the press show of the new collection, and a video produced for Jaeger customers about the new lines. The teach-in video features Jaeger buyer Gillian Brown on the trend for trouser suits and how sales staff can use their knowledge about trends; Chief Designer David Watts speaking about Jaeger's style of trouser suit, and the new longer silhouette; Mary Eddy of Woman and Home magazine speaking about styling the trouser suit; and Shelly Hunt of She Magazine speaking about the longer look; the Shaker Collection being introduced by Carol Homer, Jaeger's fabric buyer; Mick Webber the Visual Merchandising Manager speaking about Jaeger marketing; the Smart Daywear collection being introduced by David Watts and Ann Davies the buying controller; Jaeger's new coats being introduced by Carol Homer; and Jaeger accessories being introduced by buyer Adrienne
Further information: Script - Rosie Martin;
Camera - David Allen; Camera - Graham Latter
Keywords: Clothing; Fashion
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Southwark