Films of Ireland 1967
Standard 8mm film Colour Silent 1967 23:01

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Summary: Amateur film of a trip to Ireland in 1967.
Title number: 307
Description: A tour around County Kerry provides filming opportunities at a number of locations. The film begins with the ferry journey to Ireland, leaving port (possibly Pembroke) and heading out to sea. In Ireland there are visits to a number of churches, including St Mary's Cathedral in Killarney, Ross Castle, a weir on a large river, a ruined castle, the rose gardens in Tralee Town Park, a beach and coastal views, and fields in the countryside. There is also film of Clifton Gorge and Bristol Suspension bridge (possibly on the journey home to London), and of a new school building in the midst of a housing estate.
Credits: Director: Mr Powley
Further information: The film maker Mr Powley was head teacher at Risley Avenue Primary School in Tottenham.
Keywords: Ireland
Locations: Republic of Ireland; Munster; County Kerry; Killarney; Bristol