RSG 2 Guernsey
Standard 8mm film Colour Silent c.1970 4:17

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Summary: Amateur film of a trip to Guernsey.
Title number: 303
Description: The film begins at the waterside in St Peter Port, with views of yachts and fishing boats moored in the harbour, and harbour side cranes visible in the background. Turning towards the town itself there are views of the Esplanade and many of the harbour side buildings including Town Church and the Albion House Tavern. The film continues with views of Castle Cornet and La Vallette bathing pool.
Credits: Director: Mr Powley
Further information: The film maker Mr Powley was head teacher at Risley Avenue Primary School in Tottenham.
Keywords: Holidays
Locations: Bailiwick of Guernsey; Guernsey island; Saint Peter Port