Off-air recordings (Videocassette 11)
VHS unknown Unknown 03.1993-03.1994 0:00

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Summary: Off-air recordings of items about the anniversary of the disaster on BBC1 Newsroom South East, ITV In London Today, and ITV In London Tonight (March 1993); Millwall By-Election (Newsnight, BBC2, 16 September 1993, 15 mins); An Englishwoman's Garden ( BBC2, 8 October 1993, 29 mins) about the Cable Street Allotments; Dispatches (C4, 27 October 1993, 44 mins) and First Sight (BBC2, 28 October 1993, 29 mins), both on racial tensions in Tower Hamlets; Gangsters (ITV, 1 March 1994 and 8 March 1994).
Title number: 3017
LSA ID: LSA/3965
Description: Off-air recordings of items about the anniversary of the disaster on BBC1 Newsroom South East, ITV In London Today, and ITV In London Tonight (March 1993); Millwall By-Election (Newsnight, BBC2, 16 September 1993, 15 mins); An Englishwoman's Garden ( BBC2, 8 October 1993, 29 mins) about the Cable Street Allotments; Dispatches (C4, 27 October 1993, 44 mins) and First Sight (BBC2, 28 October 1993, 29 mins), both on racial tensions in Tower Hamlets; Gangsters (ITV, 1 March 1994 and 8 March 1994).