Off-air recordings
VHS unknown Unknown 30.10.2002-22.11.2003 0:00

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Summary: Off-air recordings of Patricia Cornwell - Stalking the Ripper (Omnibus, BBC, 30 October 2002, 60 mins); Tower Bridge - Britain's Best Building (BBC, 2 November 2002, 49 mins); The Devil's Architect? (BBC Radio 4 - audio only, 29 May 2003, 28 mins) on Nicholas Hawksmoor; Bethnal Green tube shelter disaster (Homeground, BBC, 24 September 2003, 24 mins); The Tower at War (The Tower, Discovery Channel, 15 November 2003, 49 mins); The Lost Palace (The Tower, Discovery Channel, 22 November 2003, 49 mins).
Title number: 3012
LSA ID: LSA/3959
Description: Off-air recordings of Patricia Cornwell - Stalking the Ripper (Omnibus, BBC, 30 October 2002, 60 mins); Tower Bridge - Britain's Best Building (BBC, 2 November 2002, 49 mins); The Devil's Architect? (BBC Radio 4 - audio only, 29 May 2003, 28 mins) on Nicholas Hawksmoor; Bethnal Green tube shelter disaster (Homeground, BBC, 24 September 2003, 24 mins); The Tower at War (The Tower, Discovery Channel, 15 November 2003, 49 mins); The Lost Palace (The Tower, Discovery Channel, 22 November 2003, 49 mins).