Off-air recordings
VHS unknown Unknown 24.02.2002-18.03.2003 0:00

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Summary: Off-air recordings of The Trial of Jack the Ripper and The Appeal (Discovery Channel, 24 February 2002, 113 mins), both on the Ripper trial; Wasted (C4, 8 April 2002, 57 mins); Columbia Road Gardens (UK Style, 14 September 2002, 27 mins); The London View (BBC Radio 4 - audio only, 18 March 2003, 28 mins).
Title number: 3009
LSA ID: LSA/3953
Description: Off-air recordings of The Trial of Jack the Ripper and The Appeal (Discovery Channel, 24 February 2002, 113 mins), both on the Ripper trial; Wasted (C4, 8 April 2002, 57 mins); Columbia Road Gardens (UK Style, 14 September 2002, 27 mins); The London View (BBC Radio 4 - audio only, 18 March 2003, 28 mins).