The Visitor / Bromley Hall School's 'Blind Date' / 'Gladys Rides Again' (Lego Animation)
VHS Colour Sound 2002 65:11

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Summary: A compilation of three films made at Bromley Hall School.
Title number: 3005
LSA ID: LSA/3949
Description: The Visitor: This is a video aimed at entertaining and educating carers, teachers, pupils and others affected by the issue of special educational needs. Pluto, an extra terrestrial visitor, explores visits Bromley Hall School in East London. Pluto discovers the complex individual educational, personal and physical needs of pupils with severe physical disabilities and sees how their associated learning and communication needs are met. The success and achievements of the school are coloured by the news that it is about to close in the summer of 2002. Headmaster John Earnshaw guides Pluto around the school's facilities and introduces him to pupils and staff. Jude Chalk, the former Deputy Head, speaks about some of the types of conditions experienced by the school's pupils. Graham Kelly, a school nurse, speaks about how health conditions such as diabetes and epilepsy are managed within the school. Ron Noquet, a bus driver for the school's transport services, talks about his work picking up and returning pupils from their homes and taking pupils on school trips. Irene Williamson, a member of the support staff, speaks about the differing approaches needed to assist pupils. Jackie Loveridge, a nursery nurse, talks about the displays of pupil's project work presented on the walls of the school. Nikki Hounsome, a physiotherapist, speaks about the use of the hydrotherapy room. Teacher Katheryn Stowell talks about the school's curriculum and individual students' educational needs. Lynn Blackmore, the Deputy Head Teacher, speaks about the pupils in the class she teaches. Teacher Clive Foden talks about teaching a pupil to use a head switch. Barbara Hayes, a member of the support staff, speaks about the use of textured materials as a teaching tool. Josie Page, the meals supervisor, introduces the school canteen and how pupils are given choices of what to eat, all of which match their dietary needs. Jan Riding, a member of the support staff, speaks about how computer technology and the Internet are used by the pupils. Head Teacher John Earnshaw talks about how religious celebrations are observed at the school. Teacher Varie Frayne talks about the places pupils progress on to after leaving the school. Teacher Linda Skinner speaks about the use of sign language within the school. Mandy Flynn, a nursery nurse, talks about the different tools pupils use to aid communication. Heli Saarka, a video editor, talks about working with the students on musical and drama projects. Musician Sarah Carter and dancer Rebecca Bogue speak about facilitating the performing talents of pupils. Liz Ayris, Jackie Roast and Joanna Zois, members of the support staff, speak about the camaraderie of team working at the school. Parent Keith Warren extols the virtues of the school's open and friendly approach. Throughout, the video presents views of classroom activity in the school and its gardens, and presents some of the specialised equipment utilised in order to meet pupils' physical needs. The video includes two items made by pupils of Bromley Hall School: 'Blind Date', a pastiche of the Cilla Black fronted TV show of the same name, made with the assistance of Heli Saarka and David Bratby, and 'Gladys Rides Again: Lego Animation', a piece of stop motion animation, made with the assistance of Clive Fodden.
Credits: Director: Kieron Brennan; Writer: Kieron Brennan; Editor: Kieran Brennan; Narrator: Marianne O'Connor; Signed by: Varie Freyne; Graphics: Dave Luis; Music: E.Sarah Carter; Music: Matt Farrow; Incidental sound: Kieron Brennan; Incidental sound: Chris McKenzie; Consultant Fundraiser: David Bratby; Script supervisor: Kathryn Stowell; Script supervisor: Lynn Blackmore; Assistant: Fioan Littlewood; Assistant: Heli Saarka; Production Supervisor: Maud Milton; Original concept: David Bratby; Original concept: Maud Milton; Sponsor: Awards for All; Sponsor: Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Ltd; Sponsor: News International; Barclays Capital; Sponsor: The Ernest Cook Company; Sponsor: The Saddlers Company
Keywords: Disabled children; Disabled persons; Special schools
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Stepney; Poplar