Off-air recordings
VHS unknown Unknown 23.10.1998-09.05.2001 0:00

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Summary: Off-air recordings of Emergency on the Ward (London Programme Special, Thames, 23 October 1998, 55 mins) on Royal London Hospital; The Trouble I've Seen (Scrutiny, BBC, 20 February 1999, 40 mins) on Oona King; Meet the Ancestors (The History Zone first segment, BBC, 18 September 1999, 10 mins), featuring Spitalfields; Crossrail Parliamentary Debate (BBC Parliament, 9 May 2001, 24 mins).
Title number: 3001
LSA ID: LSA/3944
Description: Off-air recordings of Emergency on the Ward (London Programme Special, Thames, 23 October 1998, 55 mins) on Royal London Hospital; The Trouble I've Seen (Scrutiny, BBC, 20 February 1999, 40 mins) on Oona King; Meet the Ancestors (The History Zone first segment, BBC, 18 September 1999, 10 mins), featuring Spitalfields; Crossrail Parliamentary Debate (BBC Parliament, 9 May 2001, 24 mins).