The Porters Path: Hackney to the City
VHS Colour Sound 1999 60:00

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Summary: Film following the old route of the Market Porters through Hackney and into Tower Hamlets.
Title number: 2997
LSA ID: LSA/3939
Description: A semi-professional documentary following the history of the 'Porter's Path' a tradesman's route between Hackney and Shoreditch by which vegetable produce was delivered daily to the City of London. In telling the history of the path's routes between Clapton and Hackney Church to Shoreditch and Spitalfields the film remarks on the past of various buildings and open spaces. Amongst those featured are Hackney, Church, Hackney's three town halls, pubs including The King's Head, The Cock Tavern, The Old Ship and The Cut and Mutton, Mare Street, Sylvester Path, Hackney Grove, Loddiges Nurseries, London Fields, the Home for Industry, Hackney Associated Clubs, St Michael's Church, Lansdowne Drive, Darcy House, Broadway Market, the Regent's Canal, Ada Street, Columbia Road, Swan Fields, St. Leonard's Church, Columbia Market, the Old Nichol, the Boundary Estate, the Bedford Institute and Spitalfields Market. The film uses old maps, illustrations and photographs to lustrate much of what is discussed.
Credits: Director: W.E. Hall
Keywords: Trade
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney; Tower Hamlets