Your Home, Your Future, Your Vote
VHS Colour Sound 1999 10:00

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Summary: Campaigning videotape for a vote on the transfer of ownership of council housing.
Title number: 2996
LSA ID: LSA/3937
Description: A video promoting the proposed transfer of parts of Lansbury, Coventry Cross, Aberfeldy, Devons and Lincoln housing estates to Poplar HARCA (Housing and Regeneration Community Association) from direct ownership of the Council. The video features comment from residents on the estate about the current poor condition of their accommodation. Julia Mainwaring, the Leader of Tower Hamlets Council outlines why the council cannot afford to improve those conditions itself and needs to seek outside finance. Carol Hinvest, a local Councillor and HARCA Director explains the opportunities the scheme offers. The structure and working of the HARCA are explained so that residents can decide on whether to vote to transfer their estates to the new organisation. Heather Pierce, HARCA Tenant Director presents a refurbished flat to show what can be expected from renovations. Jim Fitzpatrick, a local MP expresses his approval for the transfer. Questions about rent increases, tenant rights are addressed with information about what will change and what will stay the same under the proposed scheme.
Credits: Sponsor: London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Further information: Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives has the English version and the Bengali version of this video. LSA digitised both.
Keywords: Housing; Urban planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Stepney