The Beast of Despite TV: Tower Hamlets Monthly Video Magazine
VHS Colour Sound 1987 46:42

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Summary: Video magazine.
Title number: 2993
LSA ID: LSA/3934
Description: The tenth edition of the community Video Magazine from Tower Hamlets is a 'best of' of items from the first six issues. SCAB' an animated sequence on the subject of the Miner's Strike and a clip of politician Tony Benn praising Despite TV. In 'Sweet Street Rockers' the eponymous breakdancers are recorded moving to electro music in their matching Adidas tracksuits. 'Police Arrests' is a story introducing CAPA, the Community Alliance for Police Accountability and the legal advice they offer. 'Cruise Missile Protest' is a photo story showing the arrest of female protestors against cruise missiles. On Whitechapel Road there are sit-in protests against missiles leaving Greenham Common. The item features photographs taken by D. Hoffman. A fake recruitment ad for the police precedes 'No More Deportations' an item covering street protest and speeches inside a building related to the campaign against the deportation of Bengali woman Afia Begum (the campaign Headquarters are at 114a Brick Lane). The Sari Squad of Asian women campaigners against deportations give their account of events. 'Local Band' features The Mint Juleps singing an acapella version of
Further information: Founded by Mark Saunders in 1982, Despite TV operated out of the Tower Hamlets Arts Project on Whitechapel Road, London. Despite TV produced video magazines about local issues.
Keywords: Migration; Strikes
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Stepney; Dogs, Isle of