A Day in the Night: A Portrait of Spitalfields Market
VHS Colour Sound 1987 30:00

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Summary: A documentary record of one night around Spitalfields Market.
Title number: 2986
LSA ID: LSA/3925
Description: An impressionistic and commentary free portrait of London's Spitalfields Market capturing activity filmed in and about the market during its nocturnal activities over one night's trading. From late night drinking in pubs such as The Jack the Ripper, to traders opening their shutters, vehicles delivering masses of vegetables, and forklift operators and trolley men moving the stock about. At 3am all the stock is laid out ready for sale and trading takes place between stall holders and retailers and restaurateurs. Dino's Cafe does a roaring trade in teas, coffees, bacon sandwiches and fried breakfasts. The sun rises, lighting up the silhouette of Christ Church, and the trading continues inside, with natural light now entering through the market roof. Outside purchasers load their vans. Inside, wholesalers count their takings and amass their receipts. Work begins to sweep and tidy, stalls are shuttered up again and the place quietens as they leave. Gleaners and the homeless sift through the waste and debris outside for edible scraps as do some starlings flying in to forage. It's an entirely male environment and one about to disappear as the fruit and vegetable market is pushed out of the area. Over the end titles the voices of men who work on the market speak about their connection to the place and what will be lost with its passing.
Credits: Director: Juliet McKoen; Director: Kevin Brooks; Producer: Juliet McKeon; Camera: Sean Van Hales; Editor: Paul Endacott; Sound Recordist: Matthew Evans; Music and Soundtrack: Alan Lawrence; Additional camera: Noski Deville; Camera Assistant: Clare Williams; Camera Assistant: Lucinda Forshaw; Rostrum Camera: Dual Gauge; Research Assistant: Milfid Ellis; Sponsor: The Spitalfields Regeneration Project Ltd; Sponsor: Inbound Travel Experts Ltd; Sponsor: Lansing Bagnall Ltd; Sponsor: The Corporation of London
Cast: Anne Marie Marriott; Annabel Mednick
Further information: Despite, or perhaps because of, the film's lack of commentary the market is portrayed in exquisite detail. While the onscreen credits list Alan Lawrence for the music and soundtrack, contemporary reviews of the film refer to the music as being specially written by Gary Carpenter. The Director Juliet McKeon lived adjacent to Spitalfields Market in Wilkes Street.
Keywords: Markets; Trade
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Stepney