Dogs Life Issue One
VHS Colour Sound 1984 28:34

Summary: Issue One of the quarterly Video Magazine produced by the Island Arts Centre.
Title number: 2983
LSA ID: LSA/3921
Description: This Video Magazine includes a number of items. 'The Changing Face of Dockland' features a vox pop of locals worried about plans for the redevelopment of the docklands. Ted Johns, from the Association of Island Communities comments on all the activities going on, on the Isle of dogs before the recent development including Mudchute Community Farm and Park, and the Alpha Grove Community Centre. In a speech by Bob Mallish the former Bermondsey MP and a supporter of the London Docklands Development Corporation talks about the benefits of the new plans. Ted Johns however sees only unemployment ahead for many local residents. 'The Group Theatre Co.' features excerpts of stage performances by the group recorded in rehearsal at the George Green Theatre. Formed in 1976, the group performs plays with a political slant, but expresses difficulties in reaching the local audiences that they would like. In 'I.L.E.A. Day of Action Nov 7th 1984' a science teacher and National Union of Teachers representative on strike outside George Green school talks about the protests against the government's decision to close down the Inner London Education Authority. There are also scenes of a protest against attempts to get rid of ILEA and the GLC, and a local mother voicing her fears about the cuts. In 'Local Music' the local pop music act Antonios perform in and around Mudchute Park, and on a Thames passenger boat. 'Conservation at the Mudchute Farm' is an introduction to the city farm at Mudchute and includes views of conservation work done recently with children planting trees of different species including Cherry, Field Maple and Ash. 'Local History' is about an Island history reminiscence group meeting with elderly local residents and talking about healthcare in the 1930s. There's also film of an Island History open day event with people looking at old photographs, meeting people they used to know and examining displays of artefacts. In 'Island Women's Centre' members of a women's group on the Isle of Dogs discuss the lack of opportunities for social activity for many women in the area and the benefits that come from sharing problems with other women.
Credits: Funded by: GLC; Funded by: London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Keywords: Urban development; docks
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Isle of Dogs