The Other Side of Docklands
VHS Colour Sound 1992 29:55

Summary: A community video providing a counter viewpoint to the official story about Docklands development.
Title number: 2977
LSA ID: LSA/3911
Description: The story of east end residents living surrounded by Europe's biggest building site, the London Docklands development on the Isle of Dogs. The video documents some of the problems that residents have faced including council tenants being move doubt to make way for new roads and others being made ill by the constant noise and dirt of construction. The video also documents how they have begun to fight back in order to secure a better future for themselves and the area, with five tenants associations forming an alliance as SPLASH (the South Poplar and Limehouse Action for Secure Housing). Elizabeth Filkin of the London Docklands Development Corporation is recorded giving the official take on events. Counter comment from locals comes from local tenants Christine Frost, Fatima Siddique, Doris Bassett and Alison To. A group of Tower Hamlets housing tenants moved on to the new Timber Wharves Village discuss being uprooted. Representatives of the housing associations add their views: Anne George (Chair, Robin Hood Gardens Tenants Association), Elizabeth Lee (Chair, St Vincent's Tenants Association), Dot Harrison (St Mathias Tenants Association), Jackie Newson (Chair, Will Crooks Tenants Association) and Alf Benning (Chair, Birchfields Tenant Association) alongside the SPLASH consultant Nisar Ahmed. A Docklands GP Dr Anna Livingstone discusses the increased incidence of childhood asthma on the Isle of Dogs subsequent to the beginning of construction. While ineffective words come from local politicians Gwyneth Deakins, a Tower Hamlets councillor and Mildred Gordon the MP for Bow and Poplar.
Credits: Video Production: Jes Benstock; Video Production: Penny Benstock; Video Production: Kay Buxton; Video Production: Mike Carter; Video Production: Daniel Farnham; Video Production: Dave Forbes; Video Production: Andy Holt; Video Production: Fiona Morrisey; Video Production: Frank Muller; Video Production: Donald Salmon; Poem: Alf Benning; B/W Footage: Frank Muller
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Isle of Dogs; Limehouse; Poplar