Off-air recordings (Videocassette 7)
VHS unknown Unknown 25.09.1990-12.02.1992 180:00

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Summary: Off-air recordings of Will the Canary Fly? (Thames Report, Thames, 25 September 1990, 11 mins) on Canary Wharf; The River Thames (ITV) by Gavin Weightman on the river and dock workers; Culloden (BBC, 15 January 1991, 22 January 1991, 29 January 1991, 5 February 1992, and 12 February 1992) about the primary school (final part on videotape no. 63).
Title number: 2972
LSA ID: LSA/3906
Description: Off-air recordings of Will the Canary Fly? (Thames Report, Thames, 25 September 1990, 11 mins) on Canary Wharf; The River Thames (ITV) by Gavin Weightman on the river and dock workers; Culloden (BBC, 15 January 1991, 22 January 1991, 29 January 1991, 5 February 1992, and 12 February 1992) about the primary school (final part on videotape no. 63).