Off-air recordings (Videocassette 6)
VHS unknown Unknown 11.08.1989-06.02.1990 0:00

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Summary: Off-air recordings of Victoria Park (third in a parks series by Frank Cvitanovich, Thames, 11 August 1989); Minna Nerenstein Keal (second part of On Your Retirement, C4,Autumn 1989); Ghetto (The Lane) (Westbourne Films for BBC, 30 January 1990); Further on up the Road (The Lane) (Westbourne Films for BBC, 6 February 1990).
Title number: 2971
LSA ID: LSA/3902
Description: Off-air recordings of Victoria Park (third in a parks series by Frank Cvitanovich, Thames, 11 August 1989); Minna Nerenstein Keal (second part of On Your Retirement, C4,Autumn 1989); Ghetto (The Lane) (Westbourne Films for BBC, 30 January 1990); Further on up the Road (The Lane) (Westbourne Films for BBC, 6 February 1990).