Care for St Anne's Restoration Appeal 1986
VHS Colour Sound 1987 21:40

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Summary: A video supporting the 'Care for St Anne's Restoration' appeal.
Title number: 2965
LSA ID: LSA/3895
Description: The history of the parish church of St Anne's in Limehouse, designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor provides the background to current attempts at maintenance and restoration. The video show the scale of work necessary to keep the church maintained and how the church's members and friends have acted to prevent further deterioration. But it also reveals what remains to be to done to keep the church standing and makes an appeal for funds and support to complete the structural work. Organist Michael Gillingham presents the historic church organ housed in St Anne's and performs music upon it. Architect Julian Harrap describes the work done on the church following a fire of 1850 and its subsequent neglect and decline. The video includes shots of a fundraising charity run from the church taking in the Embankment and Tower Bridge. The church vicar Christopher Idle ends the video with a direct appeal to Christians and other concerned people to assist in raising the quarter of a million pounds needed to complete the restoration.
Credits: Narration: Eric Best
Keywords: Churches
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Limehouse