Is That It?
VHS Colour Sound 1985 84:00

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Summary: A video compiling work from young people at the Four Corners arts workshop.
Title number: 2961
LSA ID: LSA/3891
Description: This film in six sections combines spontaneous improvisations, tape slide shows with colour and black and white photographs, interviews with 15 years old girls and boys from the Bethnal Green area with facts and statistics compiled by the THIRRC Tower Hamlets Research and Resources Centre. The unusual format is used to communicate information about living and working conditions in the borough of Tower Hamlets, making a socialist and anti-government critique of the policies of the Conservative administration under Margaret Thatcher. The young people are both co-creators and subjects of the video, expressing their views and concerns through the various type of media used on topics including family, relationships, racial prejudice, sexism, popular music and independence. Adults working with young people in an arts and education context also express some of their feelings regarding the situation facing contemporary youth. The 'Auschwitz and East London exhibition' held in 1983 is used as a reference point for examinations of racial and sexual discrimination and an exploration of fascist and revolutionary communist thought. Extracts from a lecture by Raphael Samuel on 'History and Myth in East London from Dickens to the Blitz' in 1982 are used to question stereotypes about east Londoners. An improvisation recorded in photographs considers lack of facilities for young people contributing to the phenomena of glue sniffing. Photographs and newspaper clippings are used to examine the case of the death of black man Colin Roach at Hackney Police station in Stoke Newington and the self defence measures taken by the Asian men known as the Newham Seven. Both cases raise issues of institutional racism and the heavy handed police response to activism. Steve Evans from youth CND speaks about his anti-nuclear activity. The words of Jerry Deeks, Barbara Stokes, Shirley Murgraff, Chris Giff, and Sirus Noor are used in the film to offer comment. Many parts of the film are shot around Bethnal Green underground station at the junction of Cambridge Heath Road with Bethnal Green Road and Roman Road.
Credits: Director: Wilf Thust; Camera: Patrick Duval; Rostrum work: Wilf Thust; Aerial image camera: Nigel Robiette; Rostrum camera: Peter Bishop; Sound: Roger Ollerhead; Sound: Denis Cullum; Editing: Anthea Kennedy; Music Initiated by: Schaun Tozer; Sponsor: Tower Hamlets Arts Committee; Sponsor: ILEA Youth Service; Sponsor: Channel 4 Television
Further information: The young people involved in the film's production were participants in the Monday workshops at Four Corners. The musical scores used were produced by young people at the Tower Hamlets Youth Musik Workshop called 'The Steamrooms'.
Keywords: Ethnic conflicts; Racially motivated cirme
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Bethnal Green