Raid on George Green's
VHS Colour Sound 1984 11:38

Summary: Amateur drama in which a gang of boys break into a youth centre.
Title number: 2941
LSA ID: LSA/3867
Description: The Isle of Dogs provides the setting for this junior crime escapade. A small gang of young teenagers are bored and looking for excitement. They hatch a plan to gain access out of hours to a local youth centre where they wreak havoc until disturbed by the caretaker. They make their escape along the riverside, but one is apprehended and taken to the Glenworth Avenue police station. Meanwhile his friends fear he will turn them all in.
Credits: Camera: Paul Young
Cast: Marty-Lee Lowther; Steven Hedgecock; David Thomson; Stephen Swarray; George Attewell; Jamie Wallace; Scott Featherstone
Further information: The story is slight but the acting is good, creating a surprisingly successful short film. It was made by 12-13 year old boys from the George Green's Youth Club; they wrote, shot and edited the film.
Keywords: Crime
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Isle of Dogs,