Off-air recordings (Videocassette 3)
VHS unknown Unknown 30.01.1985-11.12.1985 0:00

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Summary: Off-air recordings of The Island and its Past (Timewatch, BBC2, 30 January 1985); Asian Magazine (BBC1, 3 March 1985); GLC Black Theatre Season; Icomers, Ours to Keep (BBC2, 7 March 1985); Life After Death - the Docklands Story (The London Programme, LWT, 31 May 1985); news item on ITV News at Ten (13 June 1985) about the unveiling of a plaque at Grove Road railway bridge to commemorate the first flying bomb; The New East Enders (The Bandung File, C4, 10 October 1985); Whitechapel Road - the Home of Our Church Bells (Ralph McTell's Streets of London, ITV, 11 December 1985).
Title number: 2937
LSA ID: LSA/3863
Description: Off-air recordings of The Island and its Past (Timewatch, BBC2, 30 January 1985); Asian Magazine (BBC1, 3 March 1985); GLC Black Theatre Season; Icomers, Ours to Keep (BBC2, 7 March 1985); Life After Death - the Docklands Story (The London Programme, LWT, 31 May 1985); news item on ITV News at Ten (13 June 1985) about the unveiling of a plaque at Grove Road railway bridge to commemorate the first flying bomb; The New East Enders (The Bandung File, C4, 10 October 1985); Whitechapel Road - the Home of Our Church Bells (Ralph McTell's Streets of London, ITV, 11 December 1985).