Off-air recordings (Videocassette 1)
VHS unknown Unknown 22.05.1982-23.09.1983 180:00

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Summary: Off-air recordings of Roman Road, Bow (Roots of England, BBC, 30 November 1982); Shamis Dirir (Surviving, BBC, 7 February 1983); City Priest (ITV, 8 February 1983) about Rt Rev Jim Thompson, Bishop of Stepney; Guild Sound & Vision; LWT Election Special I, including Tower Hamlets; The London Programme, 29 May 1983; Spitalfields in Crisis (BBC, 22 May 1982); Half Moon Theatre (Appeal, ITV, 20 June 1982); Manny Weiss (Surviving, BBC, 14 February 1983); The East End (The Making of Modern London, LWT, 23 September 1983).
Title number: 2933
LSA ID: LSA/3859
Description: Off-air recordings of Roman Road, Bow (Roots of England, BBC, 30 November 1982); Shamis Dirir (Surviving, BBC, 7 February 1983); City Priest (ITV, 8 February 1983) about Rt Rev Jim Thompson, Bishop of Stepney; Guild Sound & Vision; LWT Election Special I, including Tower Hamlets; The London Programme, 29 May 1983; Spitalfields in Crisis (BBC, 22 May 1982); Half Moon Theatre (Appeal, ITV, 20 June 1982); Manny Weiss (Surviving, BBC, 14 February 1983); The East End (The Making of Modern London, LWT, 23 September 1983).