Richmond For Business
VHS Colour Sound 1993 13:15

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Summary: A video promoting the London Borough of Richmond-Upon-Thames as a place to do business.
Title number: 2812
LSA ID: LSA/3683
Description: This video tries to break the view of Richmond as simply a place of leisure with a strong heritage character, and present it as a great hub for commercial activity. It lists some of the significant companies that make the borough their home and highlights the business facilities available. The major advantages of Richmond it promotes are its communications facilities, great business accommodation, the skills and training of personnel available locally, the public-private partnership in the area and the quality of life for those living and working there. The video leans heavily on screen text and graphics but also includes brief film of offices, factories and business units in Richmond-Upon-Thames. There are also short looks at the Chamber of Commerce, local housing, Richmond Park, the River Thames, the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond Adult & Community College, Whitton School and Waterloo Station. Some of the leisure facilities available are shown with views from Twickenham Golf Course one of the Borough's six golf courses, and from its sports centres, and swimming pools, as well as shots of rugby union at Twickenham. Guy Knight of Credit Agricole explains why his company moved from central London to Twickenham. John Kemp of Courage Brewery speaks about the long history of beer making in the area and the advantages it continues to provide to his business.
Credits: Director: Hanna Maryon-Davis; Narrator: Paul Shelley; Narrator: Auriol Smith; Camera: Maria Holzamer; Camera: Graham Mark; Lighting: Jacqueline Licorish
Keywords: Business
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Richmond upon Thames; Richmond