Archive Cine Film Collection: Volume 12 - Hampton Information
VHS Black & White Silent 16.07.1951 4:38

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Summary: A compilation of two short amateur films shot around Hampton Court.
Title number: 2782
LSA ID: LSA/3649
Description: The first film in the compilation was shot at Hampton Court on July 16th 1951 and records a civic event surrounding a Sunday service. It begins with choirboys walking across a green set amongst stands of seating and stepping up on to a raised area. The Mayor is then filmed arriving and processing with the mace bearers and other council officials, followed by smartly dressed people and men in church robes. The men in church robes sit on a raised platform in the centre of the green and stand for the performance of a religious service. The Mayor's party are also filmed rising to stand and looking at hymn books or orders of service. An onscreen title 'Hampton Court July 1951' then introduces the second film. This film offers brief views of the exterior of the buildings of Hampton Court, filmed from the south side of the River Thames and from within the grounds of the estate. Some of the formal gardens are seen in front of the built structures.
Keywords: Religious ceremonies
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Richmond upon Thames; Hampton; Hampton Court