Archive Cine Film Collection: Volume 10 - Twickeree and the Opening of the Scouts Hut
VHS Colour Silent 1957-1970s 39:20

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Summary: A compilation of amateur film recording scouting activity in Twickenham.
Title number: 2780
LSA ID: LSA/3647
Description: Events and activities from three decades of the 1st Whitton Scouts of Twickenham make up the content of this collection. The first film in the compilation records a scouting camp called the 'Twickeree' held in 1964 at Marble Hill. It begins on Friday night with scenes of the Twickeree camp being established. On Saturday morning the assembled scouts put up more tents and assemble wooden framed structures, including a drawbridge, an obstacle course and a pole lathe. The scouts of various ages are shown at a range of basic tasks from performing ablutions preparing for bed, collecting water, as well as cooking and eating food. The younger boys are filmed at an associated cub camp. The campground is visited by an official party including the Mayor and mace bearer, who sit in to view a display put on by the scouts. A round of 'Scout stunts' includes a race of homemade go-carts around a circuit, formation cycling and a match of bicycle polo. While other entertainment comes in the form of theatrical set pieces concerning a space rocket and a group of kidnappers. The Cub Pageant meanwhile consists of some of the younger boys dressed as heroes of the world and playacting scenes from history and mythology. Their set pieces include a dragon attack on a damsel, the melee of knightly conflict, some executions by guillotine and burning at the stake, cowboys and indians, British explorers in Africa, the story of King Canute and the tide, and dancing south sea islanders with boys in hula skirts. The film ends with a group of scouts packing up the last tent. Following this film there is a compilation of scouting items from the 1950s beginning in September 1957 with members of 'Black Six' scouts by the the River Thames watching boats using the Penton Hook Lock in laleham, cooking sausages, and eating lunch (sausage sandwich) on St Ann's Hill. This is followed by scenes of 'Green Six' scouts at London Airport in the October of 1957. The scouts are filmed by a passenger aeroplane in an aircraft hangar at the top of the stairs to the plane door and outside near the runway walking amongst BOAC planes. The St George's Day Parade in April of 1958 has scouts parading by the River Thames and marching to the parish church of St Mary the Virgin in Twickenham. The church tower flies the flag of the cross of St George. The Mayor and other dignitaries also attend the church before viewing a march past of the boys from a raised platform and accepting their salute. Another scouting event shows cub scouts and their families watching theatrical acts put on by some of the boys in an urban open space. This is followed by views of a youth sports day and an awards ceremony. More film records a scouting event at Gilwell Park. While another piece of film shows scouts demonstrating fire-fighting and first aid skills at the scene of a stage accident in a park. In the final film of the compilation a senior scout leader inspects cubs and scouts of all ages at another event attended by the local Mayor, this one apparently in the 1970s. The Scout leader presents awards and officiates the opening of a new scout hut.
Credits: Director: N. Bailey; Filmed by: D. Pelley; Filmed by: R. Treble; Filmed by: W. Wilkins
Keywords: Boy scouts; Camp sites; Scouting
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Richmond upon Thames; Twickenham
have a photo of the construction l helped construct.