Archive Cine Film Collection: Volume 6 - The Vikings, Captain Vancouver Celebrations, Arthur Lowe and John Le Mesurier Opening Mortlake School Fete
VHS Colour;Black & White Silent 1948-1977 22:33

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Summary: Compilation of archival films: The Vikings, Captain Vancouver Celebrations, Arthur Lowe and John Le Mesurier Opening Mortlake School Fete.
Title number: 2776
LSA ID: LSA/3643
Description: The first item 'The Vikings Invade Richmond' was shot on the August Bank Holiday of 1949 and consists of riverside scenes. People line the bridge and riverside paths to watch a replica Viking Long ship be rowed down the River Thames. Men dressed as Vikings stand above the rowers and wave at the crowds. The Long ship is pursued by a pair of canoeists in kayaks and there are many other boats on the water. The Norwegian flag is filmed flying over Richmond, as a record of the 'invasion'. The second item on the tape is a film recording events in the Borough of Richmond on 18th May 1948 in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the death of Captain George Vancouver R.N. The film includes Sir Frederick Wells and Lady Wells (the Lord Mayor of London and the Lady Mayoress) being greeted by Alderman E.W. Wilton and Mrs E.W. Wilton (the Mayor of Richmond and the Mayoress) at the boundary of the borough, midway across Kew Bridge. After exchanging greetings, the dignitaries return to their cars and drive on to a reception at the Greyhound Hotel where they are received by the Richmond Rotary Club. After taking lunch they move on to the Star and Garter Home where they visit disabled ex-servicemen. The party also take time to see the view of the Thames and across the Borough from the home's veranda. They then visit Montrose House in Petersham before travelling on to Petersham Church and the grave of Captain George Vancouver. A service is held at the graveside by the Vicar of Petersham and the Mayor of Richmond places a wreath upon the grave. Following the service, the dignitaries return to their cars and travel to the town hall in order to meet members of the Corporation and citizens of the Borough. A black and white sequence records the dining tables and guests in the hall inside. The third item on the tape is an amateur film of Mortlake School Fete, apparently part of Silver Jubilee celebrations. The film includes the actors Arthur Lowe and John Le Mesurier (both stars of BBC television's popular wartime comedy series 'Dad's Army') opening the event. There are also views of a hot dog stall, a raffle of food and drink items, a stand for the Leukaemia Research Fund, a brass band playing, wet sponge throwing, and crockery smashing. A parade on the street outside includes boys in fancy dress as pirates and cavaliers and another boy made up as Winston Churchill throwing a V for Victory sign beside the double decker bus of the Mortlake Liberals, a number of horse drawn wagons join the parade, including one for Young & Co's brewery in Wandsworth which the procession passes. On the field beside the brewery, festivities continue with beer and games. The union flag is present everywhere on flags, hats, clothing, umbrellas and vehicles.
Keywords: Celebrations; Anniversary celebrations; Boating; Boats
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Richmond upon Thames; Richmond