Archive Cine Film Collection: Volume 1 - A Glimpse of Twickenham
VHS Colour Mute 1964 39:55

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Summary: An amateur film portrait of the London Borough of Twickenham.
Title number: 2763
LSA ID: LSA/3638
Description: Video copy of a film called 'Looking Backward Looking Forward; A Tribute to Twickenham' which tries to capture the London Borough just prior to its absorption into the new Borough of Richmond-On-Thames in April 1965. The film begins with a simple animation illustrating each of the elements of the Twickenham borough. A painting of Twickenham Bridge in the past is cut to a contemporary image of Twickenham Bridge at present. The film then moves around the borough recording its historical and significant places. It takes in the riverside, the elegant terrace of Sion Row, St Mary the Virgin Church, and Twickenham ferry. A shot filmed from a rooftop captures a bird's eye view of Twickenham village and the Thames. Back on street level, the bustling pedestrian and vehicular traffic and the shops of Twickenham are caught on camera, alongside The Fox pub, the Barclays Bank, and the Midland Bank and the general area about King Street. A policeman on horseback attempts to guide the road traffic. Another view from the rooftops takes in the riverside, the railway station and its platforms, a post office depot, a new road bridge over the railway and more of the town. Significant residencies including Horace Walpole's house (Strawberry Hill), Hampton Court Palace and the Georgian town houses of Edward Hyde, the Earl of Clarendon, are contrasted with the more prosaic industrial buildings of the Admiralty Research Laboratory and the Paint Research Station. The riverside park, Teddington Locks and Eel Pie Island reveal locals at leisure on and beside the water, with men angling and people taking to rowboats, canoes and sailing dinghies. Rowing teams compete in a race at Twickenham Regatta. Children take to the water too at an outdoor swimming pool, and there's more sporting activity on land with games of rugby, cricket and bowls and men competing in a hurdles race. The film ends with some of the last civic activities of the Twickenham authorities. In the Mayor's Parlour, Mayor J.E. Woodward in filmed being dressed in his ceremonial robes before joining colleagues in a final session in the Council chamber. Several people speak during the meeting, while observers, including a group of schoolgirls look on. When the session ends, the Mayor leaves and retires to his parlour, where he signs off the council minute book. The council members walk across from the Town Hall to Twickenham's Parish Church, St Mary the Virgin followed by the Mayor and Town Clerk W.H. Jones. The last shots are of an animated map of the new Borough of Richmond-Upon Thames showing Twickenham amongst its constituent parts.
Credits: Director: Ronald C.d e Souza; Editor: Ronald C. de Souza; Research: L. Williams; Research: C. Taylerson; Script: L. Williams; Script: C. Taylerson; Photography: Ronald C. de Souza; Photography: R. Morajee; Photography: J. Taylor; Photography: B. Maxwell; Photography: D. Thorpe; Lighting: O. Williams; Lighting: L. Wild; Special Effects: O.Williams; Special Effects: L. Wild; General: P. Richardson; General: P. Pratt; Incidental Music: C. King Palmer; Music: Theo Marzials
Further information: The film was produced by the cine class of the Whitton Evening Institute. The onscreen end titles give credits for music, but this video copy is mute indicating the sound was not transferred at the time of conversion.
Keywords: Boroughs
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Richmond upon Thames