West Ham United: The Official History
VHS Colour;Black & White Sound 1989 60:00

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Summary: A video for West Ham Football Club fans on the club's past successes.
Title number: 2687
LSA ID: LSA/3518
Description: A video for fans reminding them of West Ham Football Club's successes in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Footage from several games is interlaced with interviews with some of the team's famous old former players including Trevor Brooking, and goalkeeper Ernie Gregory. The video includes footage of the 1923 White Horse Final at Wembley, the FA cup game of 1980 and the European Cup Winners Cup of 1965. It concentrates on the period of the 1960s, under Ron Greenwood's management. When the team included England's World Cup heroes, Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst and Martin Peters.
Credits: Producer: Derek Sando; Introduction: Brian Moore; research: Brian Moore
Keywords: Association football
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Newham; West Ham