Here to Stay
VHS Colour Sound 1985 22:00

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Summary: Personal accounts by second-generation Asian youths of racist violence in the Borough of Newham. Made for International Youth Year.
Title number: 2655
LSA ID: LSA/3482
Description: Documentary about attitudes of Asian youths in East London based around the case of the "Newham 7". A documentary on Asian youth in the Newham area of East London. It briefly looks at the Newham Seven case, where seven Asian youths were accused of taking the law into their own hands because of the Police's inaction towards racist attacks. The charges against them ranged from affray and ABH to conspiracy. The programme shows how the case was a direct and indirect inspiration for others to stand up and challenge racism and what the young people are doing to help themselves. It also looks at the changing attitudes of second generation Asians, who talk about their own experiences in dealing with policing and racist attacks. Most of the information comes over from interviews on marches/pickets and at youth clubs.
Credits: Director: Surinder Puri; Producer: Alban Hawkesworth; Narrator: Anil Harin; Executive Producer: Trevor Mbata
Further information: The programme was made for an educational audience, and produced with a supporting pack of information about the background to the case for use in the classroom or with youth groups.
Keywords: Crime; Asian communities; racism
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Newham